When in Rome

Rules & Regulations

School Rules & 


 These are guidelines meant to enable you achieve your goals while at SEROMA Christian High School. Penalties are indicated against each rule.

Procedure for Disciplining Students

Writing a statement by the student concerned. Any student who defies this procedure will be treated as gross indiscipline.

Counselling the student by the Tutor / authority concerned.

• Case being forwarded to the DC (Disciplinary Committee)  to be discussed, recorded and have a copy recorded on file.

Inviting the parent to be part of the decision or have the student taken home.

Some grave offences may NOT wait for the whole procedure.

N.B: Cases beyond school management will be handed over to the relevant authority.

Definition of words

>DC means School Disciplinary Committee

>Tree Board Assembly means sitting under the tree shade beneath the board that contains the details of one’s offence.

>SCHS means SEROMA Christian High School.

>BOG means Board of Governors.



Respect for Authority

Any order given by the Head teacher, staff or all those in position of authority shall be obeyed without question (Rom. 13: 1-2)


Suspension from school for a period to be determined by the school authority but not exceeding 3 weeks.


Dressing Code

All students shall put on school uniform at the beginning, during and the end of the term from 5:30am to 4:40pm and all other designated school functions within and without. House wear, Sunday wear and Sportswear shall also be respected and worn accordingly.

Shortening of uniform, tightening, balancing of school uniform, irresponsible labeling, and improper dressing of any kind shall be considered a grave offence liable to punishment on spot. No student shall be allowed to wear a uniform that belongs to a different level.

All uniforms shall be bought from school to ensure uniformity. Ankle stocking are forbidden on uniform.

All uniforms must be labeled with full student’s name.

Slippers shall not be allowed on the school compound.

Students are allowed to put on open shoes only after classes, during evening preps and on Saturdays.

Students will only be allowed to use club T- shirts, prefects T- shirts on Friday.



The student shall obtain a new set of uniforms incase of tampering with the old one.

A one-day internal suspension with manual work.

Punishment to be determined by the school authority.


Skin Tattoos

As the bible teaches, SEROMA Christian High School strongly stands against all demonic fads including tattoos on any part of the skin seen or unseen. Demonic fads are signs and symbols of the gods that are put around people’s houses, bodies and property. The tattoos make the demons to have open doors to afflict and torment the lives of the people carrying the marks. The Bible warns that:

“You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor marks on you I am the Lord,” (Leviticus.19:28) NIV


(I) Any student found tattooing his/her body or initiating others into tattooing will be suspended indefinitely.

Escaping from the school

Students shall not be allowed to go outside the school compound without any official permission from the school administration.

Any student who attempts to use un authorized means to forge documents, stamps, phones to get out of school shall be considered as one who has escaped from school.


Suspension from school for a period not exceeding 3 weeks and to return with a roll of barbed wire.

Indefinite suspension pending BOG’s final decision.

Reporting to school

No student shall be allowed to report after 6:00pm. All students shall report in full school uniform; tacked in. Painted nails, long hair and all non- uniform dressing shall not be tolerated.

(I) Any student who reports after 6:00pm shall be sent back home.

(II) When reporting to school, students must carry only one metallic suitcase. Any additional suitcase shall not be allowed.

Drug abuse/ Consumption of Alcohol / Smoking

No student is allowed to take / consume or be under the influence of or in possession of alcohol, tobacco, narcotics, cocaine, marijuana, Kuber, sniffing petrol, cigarettes or any intoxicating substances. The Bible (prov. 20:1) warns us against the above:

The school considers the above case as a grave offence.


Any student found in possession or practice of the above mentioned prohibited items or found taking/ consuming them shall be subjected to:

Indefinite suspension, pending BOG’s final decision.

Police action and prosecution.

Bullying / Teasing

Bullying or teasing is considered as a criminal offence and any student who shall be found guilty of the physical or verbal attacks, stealing the property of the victim and forcing him / her to engage in unlawful acts shall be liable to the following;

Punishment as may be decided upon by the school D.C.

Physical replacement of the damaged or lost property.

Foot the medical bills of the victim, in case of any injuries.

Monetary compensation of the damaged or lost property

Police action and prosecution.

Fighting / Use of vulgar and abusive language

As A Christian founded school, we pursue a harmonious and peaceful co-existence in the community. Fighting, use of vulgar language (verbal and written) and possession of weapons is prohibited. Any culprit shall be summoned by the staff Disciplinary committee which shall investigate the case.


(I) Punishment as may be decided upon the D.C.

Suspension for a period to be determined by the school authority.

Police action & prosecution in case of possession of weapons & violence.

Electronic gadgets.

No student shall be allowed to possess and use prohibited electronic devices like tattooing machines, water heaters, mobile phones, radios, CD players, CDs, DVDs, MP3, MP4, iPods, cameras, computers, ear phones, and other audio and video playing devices. The possession and use of combustible materials and matchboxes, cigarette lighters, candles, kerosene lanterns, etc. is also prohibited.


 A student found in possession of the above gadgets shall face the following consequences:

Have the items confiscated for good. The school shall not be responsible for loss of such property at school.

A suspension of not more than (2) weeks and to return with parent or guardian.

If the student is found with such for more than once, then he/she will be indefinitely suspended from school.


Students shall not damage or attempt to cause damage to school property.


Meeting the cost of damage in double.

Suspension from school for a period to be determined by the school authority.

Police action and prosecution where necessary.

Internal and External Communication

Communication shall be channeled in the right way through students’ representatives and other recognized avenues within school.

No congregation of any nature shall be held at school without the permission and attendance of the Patron.

No student shall be allowed receive or talk to a visitor who does not possess a visitor’s card and has not been authorized by the school.

A student shall not publish an article, magazine or letter in the press for internal / external circular or invite an outside speaker to school or hold a party except with the permission of the Head teacher thru the Patron.

In case of a party, no student shall hire services (video, music system, etc.) except with permission from the Head teacher thru the Patron.


Suspension from school for a period to be determined by the school authority.

Police / prosecution. 

Strike / Demonstration

As children of God, we do not believe in or tolerate ungodly acts that show lack of self- control. Wherever there is any dissatisfaction, grievance and unacceptable norm from anyone, we use: “Come now, and let us reason together,” says the Lord (Isaiah 1: 18 – 20). Any student who will be found to mastermind, lead, encourage, suggest or plan a strike will immediately be indefinitely suspended.


Indefinite suspension pending BOG’s final decision.

Police / prosecution.

Note: Where the strike has caused damage to any person or property belonging to School, student, staff or anyone within or out of school, the culprit shall be handed over to Police for prosecution.


Students shall not be allowed to move furniture to and from. No desks, chairs or stools shall be taken by any student to the dormitories, stores or compound. Movement of furniture shall only be authorized and supervised by the prefect in charge and the furniture master. Furniture shall be returned to its rightful place after use.


When found guilty of the offence and in case of breakage,

Physical replacement of the damaged or lost property.

Monetary compensation of the damaged or lost property.

Internal suspension with manual labor.

Indefinite suspension pending BOG’s final decision.


(I) Class attendance

Class attendance is compulsory to all students including morning and night preps except those with written permission from the school nurse or anyone in authority. Un necessary movements during prep time are highly punishable.

(II) Tests and examinations

All exams, tests, and other class assignments are compulsory to all students. No student shall engage in forgery of documents or examination malpractice as defined by UNEB.

(III) Laboratory usage and practical manual

No student shall be allowed in the laboratories without the supervision of a teacher or laboratory assistant. All students from S.3 – S.6 must acquire practical manuals. (S.5 & 6 Science students)

(IV) Target setting and tutor system

All students must have clear targets set at the beginning of every term and must be reviewed with the help of the tutor at the end of the term.

(V) Notes taking

All students will be required to have notes periodically checked by the relevant subject teacher.


Anyone who contravenes rule no. (II) Shall be indefinitely suspended.

Anyone who contravenes rules no. (I), (III), (IV), (V) will be liable to punishment as will be determined by the school authority.


 Prayers / Chapel

(I) Prayers and all other spiritual activities directed by the school chaplaincy are compulsory to all students.

(II) Any student found practicing or promoting any other unacceptable faith in the school shall be indefinitely suspended.

(III) All students shall be expected to dress in proper uniform during chapel sessions. Carrying other materials apart from the Bible and notebook will not be tolerated.

(IV) un necessary noise making and movement during chapel sessions will not be tolerated.


Suspension from school for a period to be determined by the school authority.

Punishment of the student as may be determined by the school authority.


Theft / Extortion / Money laundering /Forgery

Any student who takes or attempts to take, buy, knowingly or unknowingly receives stolen property or student property without permission from the owner, shall be held liable for the act, Students shall not surrender their property under threat or undue influence from other.

No student shall lend money to another student or change currency or charge interest on borrowed money. Any kind of forgery of documents, school reports, chits, official stamps, signatures or any other written document will not be tolerated.


Any student that shall not abide by the above rules shall be punished by:

Indefinite suspension.

Police action and prosecution where necessary.



(I) Students are expected to ensure personal hygiene.

(II) Students shall be responsible for the cleanliness in their dormitories


Culprits’ names every Monday during assembly and the entire punishments shall be decided by the school disciplinary Committee.


Sexual immorality / Perversion

(I) No student shall engage, assist or coerce another into engaging in any form of sexual immorality or perversion such as fornication, lesbianism, masturbation, homosexuality and others as condemned in the Bible and society.

(II) Unhealthy relationship between boy and girl (coupling)

A boy and girl shall not be in body contact of any nature, hugging, pecking and all forms of embracing are strictly prohibited. No student is allowed to escort a fellow student of the opposite sex after prep.


(I) Anyone who violates rule no. (I) Shall be indefinitely suspended.

(II) Suspension for a period to be determined by the school authority.

SECTION E: General rules

All students shall speak English at school and on school trips save when conducting or receiving lessons in other languages.

Any student given leave shall carry an officially signed pass out which shall be returned to the matron/ warden for follow up.

No student shall miss a school function or assembly except with the permission of the nurse / teacher on duty and any student who violates this rule shall be liable to punishment as will determined by the DC.

No student shall stay in the dormitory during class time. All sick students shall rest in the sickbay with permission from the school nurse.

The following premises are totally out of bounds to all students.

Staff quarters

Class balconies during class / prep time.

Dormitory area during class and prep time.

Sitting under the staircase at the Destiny Tower, behind the Destiny Tower, Botanical gardens, under the tanks behind the junior boys’ dormitory, generator area during class prep time.

A student shall not drive a car; ride a motorcycle or a bicycle on the school campus.

A student shall not buy, sell or barter any item to another student or school employee or members of the community.

A student shall not use private medical facilities / drugs unless the parent / guardian notifies the medical personnel in writing.

Any student who falls sick during class or prep time shall present a chit from the teacher on duty to the school nurse who shall sign it before sending it back to the issuing teacher.

All students shall return home with their property at the end of each term. The school shall not be accountable for any loss incurred.

Any student who conceals a pregnancy or abortion shall be liable to an indefinite suspension.

No student shall engage, possess or surf pornography on school computers. Any student who contravenes this rule shall be liable to suspension for a period to be determined by the school authority.

All students shall observe rules and guidance given from time to time by various departments in the school e.g libraries, dormitories, chapel, kitchen, sickbay, dining hall etc.

No student shall cook at school save for Food and Nutrition lessons supervised by a teacher. No student shall be entitled to a special diet. Any student found in possession of any food stuff, matchboxes, candles or ignition materials shall be suspended for a period to be determined by the school authority.

All students shall take their meals from the dining hall and observe the proper etiquette expected while in the dining hall. Anyone who contravenes this rule shall clean the dining hall for two days.

Time for lights out is 9:30pm for S.1 & S.2 while for S.3, S.4, S.5 & S.6 it is 10:40pm. No student shall be expected out of their dormitories after the designated time.

Visiting Sunday is once a term between 9.00 am to 5:00pm strictly. Any student found with a parent beyond the stipulated time shall be advised to return home with the parent. Cooked food shall not be allowed at school.

Nursery school premises are out of bounds to students.


Once fees are paid to the school account, it is not refundable. In special cases fees will be refunded as follows:

Within 1ST Week 80%

Within 2nd 50%

After 4th Week No refund

Any student suspended due to indiscipline will get no school fees refund.

All students shall observe the rules and guidelines given from time to time by various departments in the school e.g. Libraries, dormitories, chapel, kitchen,

sickbay dining hall etc.

Telephone booth shall be used during lunchtime and after classes but not during class time or preps. anyone who contravenes this rule shall be suspended from school for a period not less than 3 weeks.

NB: Any offence which does not have specific punishment provided for here in the penalty shall be meted at the discretion of the Disciplinary committee.

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